
  • Financial Planning
  • Life Insurance and Critical Illness
  • Wealth Management & Investments
  • Education Planning
  • Retirement and Pensions
  • Keyman & Partnership Insurance

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Financial Planning

What is Financial Planning?

Financial planning is about securing your and your family financial future

Looking after accumulated wealth is one of the most important aspects of financial planning. It always requires a bespoke wealth management solution designed to meet your needs precisely. We do this by carefully understanding your long term and short term needs and objectives.

What do I have to look for while planning my finances?

  1. Life Insurance – protection in case of untimely demise, of the main earning member of the family
  2. Critical Illness – A living benefit pays out an individual in case of a major specified illness, like cancer, heart attack, etc
  3. Savings for specific Life events like – retirement, child education, marriage, etc
  4. Investments – Make your money work for you. Depending on your specific needs we will manage your money in one of two ways; either via our carefully constructed diversified portfolios that have exposure to the broadest range of asset classes or via investment in fixed instruments.

Life Insurance and Critical Illness

Life Insurance

If you are the main bread earner of the family, the cheque you bring home every month should be protected in order for your loved ones to at least continue to live in the Lifestyle you have given them.

Ideal cover is 200 times your monthly cheque.

In some countries life insurance may be essential as there are duties to be paid post a loved ones demise.

Critical Illness

A living benefit paid to the insured.

Should a specific illness like heart attack, cancer, major organ transplant etc happen during the insurance period, the insured will receive the Critical Illness lumpsum.

So if there is a job loss or extra expenses due to the illness, that person can then without stress meet the same.

Ideal cover is 2 years income.

Wealth Management & Investments

Your money should work for you, the mantra is “More than Inflation”. If your money is not working for you, you are losing money as inflation eats into money.

Investments can be in the form of

  • Secured – Fixed income, guaranteed returns, add etc
  • Unsecured – Potential for higher returns with different risk appetites
  • Vary your portfolio – spread your portfolio like – property, jewellery, bonds, equity, mutual fund, structure notes, etc
  • Offshore Trusts
    • Offshore trusts are a completely legal way of protecting assets
    • Making sure you and your families can enjoy the benefits
    • Sharia and other local laws might distribute your assets not as per your wishes, setting up a trust in a rock-solid way of securing you legacy
    • Trust is simply a three-way agreement that allows one party (Settlor) to transfer their assets to a second party (Trustee) to benefit a third party (Beneficiaries).

Education Planning

It is said “Education is the gift of a lifetime”

  • Your child’s higher education can be planned very easily by having a monthly disciplined approach to saving for the same.
  • Children’s education is the most paramount question asked at the time of Financial Planning.
  • Your child can get the best college education if you plan early in life
  • In todays’ times a US education costs in the vicinity of USD 75,000 per annum (inclusive to & fro flights, boarding and lodging). UK education costs GBO 40,000 per annum (inclusive to & fro flights, boarding and lodging) and Australia Education costs AUD 60,000 per annum (inclusive to & fro flights, boarding and lodging)

Disclaimer: The above are an approx. and the amounts differ with different universities.

Retirement and Pensions

Saving for retirement is something that most of us put off because of other commitments. But the reality is that the sooner you start paying into a pension the higher your income in retirement is likely to be.

  • We all have to grow old someday. That cheque that comes home from our gainful employment will stop coming
  • How do you compensate for the same?
  • Plan Now – saving for retirement today and every month is a very simple way to combat retirement
  • One can secure themselves with pension coming every month.

You probably have a State Pension, or Provident fund, but these may not be enough to give you the standard of living you want. So you’ll need another source of income as well.

For areas that don’t have a State Pension, it is paramount that individuals fund there their own pension schemes in order to Secure their future.

Keyman & Partnership Insurance


Key-person insurance, also called Key-man insurance, is an important form of Business insurance.

Key person policies are usually owned by the business and the aim is to compensate the business for losses incurred with the loss of a key income generator and facilitate business continuity. Key person insurance does not indemnify the actual losses incurred but compensates with a fixed monetary sum as specified in the insurance policy.

A lot of banks insist on Key Man cover to offset the borrowing of the company in case the Key Man’s demise.

Partnership Insurance

Partners may be able to work together very well but what happens on the demise of a partner?

  • Can you work with the partners beneficiaries?
  • Will you have the capital if the beneficiaries of the deceased partner want to exit the company?
  • Will the company be able to sustain the loss of a partner (intellectual property or business loss)?

In any of the above situations a partnership insurance protects 2 or more partners in case of the untimely demise of a partner.

The lump-sum amount received can be used to either buy-out company shares or to overcome any loans that the demise of a partner could cause a company.